%%File: VIRS0120.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Ambulance Car, REDX, Red Cross, Ambulance.E %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., COMMAND.COM. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: Corrupts a program or overlay files., Interferes with a running application. %%Size: 796 to .COM files %%See Also: %%Notes: When an infected application is run, the virus tries to find two .COM file victims which it randomly selects in the current directory or via the PATH variable in the environment. After some number of executions (110b), an ambulance car with a flashing light runs along the bottom of the screen accompanied by siren sounds. A flag is set, so the car will not run again until the next bootup. An ambulance car running along the bottom of the screen accompanied by siren sounds. almost every anti virus program almost every anti virus program can find and eradicate it.