%%File: VIRS0084.TXT %%Name/Aliases: 12-TRICKS Trojan, Twelve Tricks Trojan, Tricks %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Trojan., %%Disk Location: CORETEST.COM, , Hard disk boot sector. %%Features: %%Damage: Corrupts the file linkages or the FAT., Attempts to format the disk., Interferes with a running application., Corrupts boot sector %%Size: %%See Also: %%Notes: Contained in "CORETEST.COM", a file that tests the speed of a hard disk. It installs itself in the boot sector of the hard disk. Every time the computer boots, one entry in the FAT will be changed. With a probability of 1/4096, the hard disk will be formatted (Track 0, Head 1, Sector 1, 1 Sector) followed by the message: "SOFTLoK+ V3.0 SOFTGUARD SYSTEMS,INC, 2840 St.Thomas Expwy,suite 201, Santa Clara,CA 95051 (408)970-9420". The following printed on the screen: "SOFTLoK+ V3.0 SOFTGUARD SYSTEMS,INC,2840 St.Thomas Expwy,suite 201, Santa Clara,CA 95051 (408)970-9420" Damaged FATs and directories. All sorts of strange changes to typed or printed characters. Strange things happening when keys are typed. Text within the program CORETEST.COM, readable with HexDump-utilities:"MEMORY$" Text within the boot sector of the hard disk:"SOFTLoK+ V3.0 SOFTGUARD SYSTEMS,INC,2840 St.Thomas Expwy,suite 201, Santa Clara,CA 95051 (408)970-9420"