%%File: VIRS0067.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Steroid Trojan %%Platform: Macintosh %%Type: Trojan., %%Disk Location: Steroid INIT program, INIT program. %%Features: %%Damage: Attempts to erase all mounted disks. %%Size: Steroid INIT inserted in the System Folder. %%See Also: %%Notes: The steroid INIT is claimed to speed up QuickDraw on Macintoshes with 9 inch screens. The INIT has code that checks for dates after June 30, 1989, and is active every year thereafter from July through December. When it is activated, it attempts to erase all mounted drives. All mounted drives are erased. You may be able to save them with a disk editor like SUM or MacTools. Find the Steroid INIT in the System file VirusDetective search string: Resource INIT & Size<1200 & WData FE680C6E#E4EBA#F60 ; For finding Steroid Trojan SAM def: Name=Steroid Trojan, Resource type=INIT, Resource ID=148, Resource Size=1080, Search String=ADE9343C000A4EFAFFF24A78, String Offset=96 Remove the Steroid INIT from the System file.