%%File: VIRS0053.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Open_Me, Open Me, OpenMe %%Platform: Macintosh %%Type: Vaporware Virus; not real., %%Disk Location: %%Features: %%Damage: %%Size: %%See Also: %%Notes: As of 6/14/96, this virus is third or fourth hand rumor. No one in the Mac antivirus community has seen this virus. I can find no one who claims to have actually touched it, or even who knows someone who says they have touched it. The message that is circulating around the network is as follows. ========================================== "Just got word of a new virus called "Open Me." It looks to be a Macintosh control panel virus. It hit one of the facilities in Denver in a big way. At this point we don't know where it came from or how it spreads but it will destroy a hard disk. So if you bring up your Mac and see the message Open Me - don't do it. Received from Dave Ferreira our local expert: This is not a hoax. It appears to be a control panel type of virus that can not be detected using SAM or Norton Anti-virus. The virus/control panel wipes out the B-tree or B-catalog or whatever (basically wipes out the location of every file on the hard disk)." ==========================================