%%File: VIRS0043.TXT %%Name/Aliases: merryxmas, Merry Xmas %%Platform: Macintosh %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: Hypercard stack. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: No damage, only replicates., Can cause Hypercard to quit %%Size: 0 to 1 file allocation block %%See Also: %%Notes: Analysis of the Macintosh Merry Xmas virus 11/3/93 W. J. Orvis Type: Program virus in a Hypercard script Infection: Infects all open, unlockable stacks by copying itself to the end of the stack script. Damage: None intentional Size: 0 to 1 allocation block since it adds to the end of the stack script, and the stack script is increased by an allocation block whenever the script extends passed the end of the current block. Disinfection: Open hypercard, switch to the last card in the home stack and set it to scripting. Open the infected stack select Objects Stack Info and click Script. Find the virus at the end of the script and delete it. To make it so SAM won't detect it, type enough characters to overwrite the script, save it, then delete the typed characters and save it again. Check the stack script on your home stack to see if it was infected while you were disinfecting the infected stack. When the virus is active, the disk is continually accessed by an 'on idle' procedure, even though it is not infecting the stack. If the stack is from Hypercard version 1, the virus can not infect it because it can not be unprotected. If the stack is converted to version 2, the virus can unprotect and infect it. SAM with the 4/27/93 virus definitions will see this virus. If the virus has simply been deleted, the virus key will still be in the stack beyond the EOF for the stack script causing SAM to detect the virus in a disinfected stack. The virus inserts itself by counting off a number of lines from the bottom of the stack, so adding lines to the virus will mess it up.