%%File: VIRS0041.TXT %%Name/Aliases: MDEF, MDEF A, Garfield, MDEF B, Top Cat, MDEF C %%Platform: Macintosh %%Type: Bogus resource., MBDF %%Disk Location: System program., Application programs and Finder., Desktop file., Document file. %%Features: %%Damage: Interferes with a running application. %%Size: MDEF ID#0 %%See Also: %%Notes: MDEF infects applications, the System file, other system files, and Finder Desktop files. The System file is infected as soon as an infected application is run. Other applications become infected as soon as they are run on an infected system. MDEF's only purpose is to spread itself, and does not intentionally attempt to do any damage, yet it can be harmful. Odd menu behavior. VirusDetective search string: Resource MDEF & ID=0 & WData 4D44#A6616#64546#6A9AB ; For finding MDEF A & MDEF B SAM def: Name=Garfield, Resource type=MDEF, Resource ID=0, Resource Size=314, Search String=2F3C434F44454267A9A0, String Offset=42 SAM def: Name=GARFIELD-2, Resource type=MDEF, Resource ID=0, Resource Size=532, Search String=2F3C4D4445464267487A, String Offset=304 SAM def: Name=MDEF C, Resource type=MDEF, Resource ID=0, Resource Size=556, Search String=4D4445464267487A005EA9AB, String Offset=448