%%File: VIRS0037.TXT %%Name/Aliases: INIT29 %%Platform: Macintosh %%Type: Bogus INIT., %%Disk Location: Application programs and Finder., Document file., INIT program. %%Features: %%Damage: Corrupts a program or overlay files., Interferes with a running application., Corrupts a data file. %%Size: INIT ID#29 %%See Also: %%Notes: It infects any file with resources, including documents. It damages files with legitimate INIT#29 resources. If you see the following alert whenever you insert a locked floppy, it is a good indication that your system is infected by INIT 29. The disk "xxxxx" needs minor repairs. Do you want to repair it? Also, printing problems and unexplained crashes If you find an INIT ID=29 on an application or the System file, you may have this virus. There are two Virus Detective search strings, one for the Finder and Applications, and one for nonapplications: Resource Start & Size<800 & WData 41FA#92E#797 ; For finding INIT29 in Appl's/Finder Filetype­APPL & Resource INIT & Size<800 & WData 41FA#92E#797 ; For finding INIT29 in non-Appl's Removing the INIT repairs the files.