%%File: VIRS0001.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Click %%Platform: %%Type: Vaporware Virus; not real., %%Disk Location: %%Features: %%Damage: %%Size: %%See Also: %%Notes: This is a World Wide Web page which contains simply text that states it is a virus. There is no virus. The text on the page is: hello, i'm CLICK, a www/html virus! you've just been infected! add a link to CLICK to your home page! (RIGHT NOW!) CLICK CLICK is a highly infectious www/html virus created by drow and released on The DemonWeb in november 1994. it is now spreading to systems all over the net through its simple http transmission vector. CLICK appears to be a begign virus, with no functions other than self- replication. there is no known vaccine for CLICK. CLICK is a victim of the media conspiracy against artificial life. do not attempt to eat CLICK.