From: (Robert Slade) Subject: Review of Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit (PC) Date: Mon, 11 May 92 22:11:16 PDT PCDSAVT.RVW 920505 Comparison Review Company and product: S&S International Ltd. Berkley Court, Mill Street Berkhamsted, Herts. HP2 4HB England Phone: +44 442 877 877 Fax: +44 442 877 882 BBS: +44 494 724 946 442 877 883 E-Mail: Dr. Alan Solomon Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit (AVT) 5.11 Vendor: perComp Verlag GmbH Holzmuhlenstrasse 84 2000 Hamburg 70 Germany Phone: +49 40 693 2033 Fax: +49 40 695 9991 E-Mail: Gunter Musstopf vendor: Ontrack Computer Systems 6321 Bury Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55346 USA (800) 752-1333 (612) 937-1107 fax: (612) 937-5815 Summary: Multilayered detection and disinfection system, strong scanning and disinfection components, intended for advanced use. Cost Rating (1-4, 1 = poor, 4 = very good) "Friendliness" Installation 2 Ease of use 3 Help systems 2 Compatibility 3 Company Stability 3 Support 3 Documentation 3 Hardware required 4 Performance 4 Availability 3 Local Support ? General Description: Menu driven (TOOLKIT) activity monitoring (GUARD, GUARDEMS), change detection (CHKVIRUS, QCV, RUN), scanning (FINDVIRU), disinfection (UNVIRUS, CLEANBOO, CLEANPAR), and operation restricting (NOFLOPPY, NOHARD) suite of programs. Also contains informational programs (CHECKMEM, PEEKA), network support (NETFV.BAT, FVMANY.BAT), as well as additional utilities (SHRED, TKBATCH, BROWSER). Comparison of features and specifications User Friendliness Installation The program is shipped on non-writable disks, two 360K or one 720K. There is an installation program: as it is a fairly simple copy program manual installation is also possible. The installation program will, at the user's discretion, also add the resident portion of the package to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, however it does not affect the PATH statement, and therefore all virus checking must either start from within the \TOOLKIT directory (or whichever one the user creates), or be invoked with a full pathname. I have recommended the manual installation. The installation program provided is simple and quick, and I can see no problem with using it. However, the full advantage of this product is not, and probably cannot be, provided with an automated installation. Ease of use The TOOLKIT program provides a clear and uncluttered menuing system to access the various parts of the package. The screen messages and displays are intelligible and there is little chance for confusion. There are a number of command line options for use with the various programs when not using the TOOLKIT interface. The defaults are well chosen, and should be appropriate for most situations, and for novice users. For situations where client support is available, the message generated by VirusGuard on detection of a virus can be customized to direct the user to the local security support person. Help systems While help should not normally be required, in cases where it is needed it can best be obtained from the manual. Compatibility No conflicts were encountered in testing. Company Stability S&S International is an established presence in the antiviral software field, and has been so in Britain for some years. Company Support The package lists provisions for support through both the parent company and distributors. Documentation The documentation is an excellent study work for those just entering the computer virus field and wanting an introductory work. The explanation of how viral programs work is one of the best general treatments of the subject, even including suggestions for companies wishing to set up policies and procedures for inhouse data recovery teams. The list of viri in the manual is thorough and detailed: as it should be, taking up fully two-thirds of the manual's thickness. However, the organization of the manual could be a lot more helpful in terms of running the package itself. One must read through 12 pages before getting to a mention of suing the program at all (although it is helpful that the first mention is of how to run the program in an "emergency" situation where the user is suspecting that they are already infected), and 20 pages before mention is made of installing the program. Five of those early pages are devoted to a virus by virus listing of the virus information contained in chapter 4. From the perspective of the manual, this cannot be said to be a package for beginners. There *is* excellent information in the manual, but my recommendation would be that the package not be installed until the manual was read fully from cover to cover, particularly chapter 5. (Advanced users may skip chapter 4 :-) Provision is now made for the TOOLKIT program to run under Windows: that material is not covered in the printed manual but in a README.DOC file on the disk. In addition there are a number of possibly helpful batch files which are not mentioned or described anywhere. Advanced MS-DOS users should be able to modify these batch files to their own situation: again, it seems to be indicative that the package is not for naive users. There are other materials on the disk whose existence has less seeming reason: section 5.9 is reproduced in the file GUARD.DOC. Hardware Requirements The Toolkit can be run on dual floppy systems, although some functions require a hard drive. Performance Although the package provided for reviewing was sadly out of date, the scanner did a better job of detection of viral programs than a number of "current" commercial packages. A number of recent variant strains were identified as being related to their older "parents". Local Support None provided. Support Requirements The package is easy to use, particularly in the areas of scanning and disinfection, and should not require any additional assistance in detection of known viral programs. However, the package has very strong and sophisticated protection components which would give fullest advantage when installed by knowledgeable support personnel. The ongoing upgrade programs provided should be very strongly considered in the case of this package. General Notes AVT provides very strong antivirus protection to the advanced user. AVT provides very strong virus scanning capability for all users. There are a number of indications that this package is intended primarily for advanced users. Unassisted use of the program by novice users would likely result in some loss of potential protection. Therefore, this package is highly recommended for use by advanced users, who are willing to make the commitment to study the material provided. The package is recommended for novice users where local support is available. copyright Robert M. Slade, 1992 PCDSAVT.RVW 920505 ============== Vancouver | "Don't buy a Institute for | computer." Research into | Jeff Richards' User CyberStore Dpac 85301030 | First Law of Security Canada V7K 2G6 | Data Security