[This virus bibliography was contributed to VIRUS-L by Vesselin Bontchev. Any additions to the bibliography should be sent to me at krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu for inclusion. Thank you. Ken van Wyk] From: bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de (Vesselin Bontchev) Subject: Bibliography on computer viruses Date: 18 Sep 91 18:05:10 GMT Hello, everybody! A lot of people requested more exact bibliographic references of Cohen's papers and about scientific papers treating the computer virus problem. Well, here are some of them. To keep the list short, I listed only the scientiffic papers (I omitted even the excellent technical but not scientiffic papers published by Virus Bulletin), and only those of them I have a copy of handy right now. Sorry that I had no time to sort the list by author, title, publication, or date of publication. Shoch J., Hupp J., "The Worm Programs - Early Experience woth a Distributed Computation", CACM, vol 25, 3, March 1982, pp. 172-180 Adleman L., "An Abstract Theory of Computer Viruses". Unfortunately, I have only a xerox copy of this one, and on the copy it is not written where the paper has been copied from. Cohen F., "Computer Viruses - Theory and Experiments", Computers & Security, vol 6. (1987), 1, pp. 22-35 Cohen F. "On the Implications of Computer Viruses and Methods of Defense", Computers & Security, vol. 7 (1988), 2, pp 167-184 Cohen F., "Models of Practical Defenses Against Computer Viruses", Computers & Security, vol. 8 (1989), 2, pp. 149-160 Cohen F., "Computational Aspects of Computer Viruses", Computers & Security, vol. 8 (1989), 4, pp. 325-344 Dowling W., "There Are No Safe Virus Tests", The American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 96, 9, Nov. 1989, pp. 835-836 Dowling W., "Computer Viruses: Diagonalization and Fixed Points", Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 37 (1990), 7, pp. 858-861 Lai N., Gray T., "Strengthening Discretionary Access Controls to Inhibit Trojan Horses and Computer Viruses", proc. of USENIX'88, pp. 275-286 Joseph M., Avizienis A., "A Fault Tolerance Approach to Computer Viruses". Again, I cannot determine the exact source. Pozzo M., Gray T., "An Approach to Containing Computer Viruses", Computers & Security, vol. 6 (1987), pp. 321-331 Murray W., "The Application of Epidemiology to Computer Viruses", Computers & Security, vol. 7 (1988), 2, pp. 139-150 Wiseman S., "Preventing Viruses in Computer Systems", Computers & Security, vol. 8 (1989), 5, pp. 427-432 Jones S., White C., "The IPM Model of Computer Virus Management", Computers & Security, vol. 9 (1990), 5, pp. 411-418 Gleissner W., "A Mathematical Theory for the Spread of Computer Viruses", Computers & Security, vol. 8 (1989), 1, pp. 35-41 Ferbrache D., "Trojan Horse Techniques to Compromise Sensitive or Classified Data", Virus Bulletin, September 1990, pp. 11-14. An improved version of the paper can be found in the proceedings of the First International Virus Bulletin Conference on Computer Viruses, Jersey, September 1991. There you can find also an excellent paper form Yisrael Radai about authentification techniques and much more. Regards Vesselin -- Vesselin Vladimirov Bontchev Universitaet Hamburg, FB Informatik - AGN Bontchev@Informatik.Uni-Hamburg.de Schlueterstrasse 70, D-2000 Hamburg 13 New address after October 1, 1991: Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30, D-2000, Hamburg 54