UTRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS, 1995 MAR 6 (NB) -- A Dutch student has become the first person to be convicted of computer hacking in the Netherlands. Ronald Oosteveen, a 22 year old Utrecht computer science student, was handed down a six month suspended sentence by magistrates last week, and was fined around $3,200 Oosteveen was accused of breaking into university, corporate and government computers, following his arrested in March, 1993, just three weeks after new Dutch anti-hacking legislation came into force. Oosteveen was caught in the act of trying to hack into the computer lines of a technical university in Delft near The Hague. He is also thought to have been responsible for previous hacking attacks which occurred before the new legislation came into force. In court, prosecutors said that he was challenged by university staff monitoring the computers, and police traced Oosteveen back to his home. There, police found computer disks with evidence that he had gained unauthorized access into the computer systems of several companies and government offices in the Netherlands, Norway, and Iceland. Handing down its verdict, the court said computers were vital to a modern society and it was "essential that information networks not be violated."