From: Chris McDonald (4/7/93) To: securitylist:;@WSMR-SIMTEL20.AR, CC: reviewslist:;@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARM, Mail*Link¨ SMTP Synopsis of "2600 The Hacke Synopsis of "2600 The Hacker Quarterly", Spring 1993 The overall description of this edition is "reserved". The major articles include: 1. Cellular Magic by Bootleg. The author has 10 pages worth of pretty dry stuff, to include 4 pages of cellular phone bands. 2. Beige Box Construction by The Phoenix. The author tells how to construct a lineman's handset for "many tasks involving phone line work . . ." 3. Descrambling Cable by Dr. Clayton Phorester. The author claims to have succeeded using the published instructions. 4. Secret Service on Trial by Paco Xander Nathan. The only saving grace in the entire edition is a humorous, although hardly unbiased, account of the recent Steve Jackson trial in Austin, TX. The reporting, minus the subjective assessments of the major personalities involved in the case, seems accurate based upon other discussions on the Internet. 5. Letters of Merit. The letters and the editor's responses are tame. "Your Friendly Neighborhood Hackers" asks for the telephone numbers of "virus BBS's". The editor responds: "There are BBS's that specialize in viruses but they're kind of funny about giving their numbers out." The response never provides either the name or the telephone number of any BBS, even though several "writers" for 2600 were regular contributors to Phrack which routinely contained such information. 6. A Study of Hackers by Dr. Williams. The author claims to have set up a MINIX operating system host for the expressed purpose of observing individuals breaking into the system. 7. 2600 Marketplace. The "soldier of hacking" advertisements have dropped out this month. "BoB" is "Looking for old TELCO vans for purposes to illicit to mention here." He even provides a telephone number. 8. British News by The Dark Knight. I missed the point of the article. I obviously have been in the desert too long. ------- ------------------ RFC822 Header Follows ------------------ Received: by with SMTP;7 Apr 1993 10:11:53 -0800 Return-path: CMCDONALD@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Received: from by (PMDF #3384 ) id <>; Wed, 7 Apr 1993 10:11:31 PDT Received: from by (PMDF #3384 ) id <>; Wed, 7 Apr 1993 10:11:08 PDT Received: by (4.1/LLNL-1.18/ id AA16206; Wed, 7 Apr 93 10:11:48 PDT Received: from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL by (4.1/LLNL-1.18/ id AA16174; Wed, 7 Apr 93 10:11:41 PDT Date: 07 Apr 1993 10:47:41 -0700 (MDT) From: Chris McDonald Subject: Synopsis of "2600 The Hacker Quarterly", Spring 1993 Resent-to: BILL_ORVIS@QUICKMAIL.llnl.GOV To: securitylist:;@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Cc: reviewslist:;@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Resent-message-id: <> Message-id: <12867259540.30.CMCDONALD@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> X-Envelope-to: X-VMS-To: IN%"securitylist:;@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL" X-VMS-Cc: IN%"reviewslist:;@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL" Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT ======================================================================