CHRIS MCDONALD'S INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY JOURNAL The following directory contains copies of Chris McDonald's Information Systems Security Journal. Copies of his product reviews are in the Reviews directory. Note that all opinions expressed in these articles are those of Chris McDonald. ======================================================================= Journal Articles: mcdonald.txt Contains the most recent article. yy-nn.txt Journal articles with the year yy followed by the article number nn. For example, 93-03.txt is article number 3 in 1993. Note that some articles are missing, and I will replace them if possible. Other articles: 26000493.txt 4/93 review of 2600 magazine. sjg0193.txt Synopsis of Steve Jackson Games event. wildlist.txt List of viruses in the wild 6/94 vcl0293.txt Review of the Virus Creation Lab virc0994.txt Viruses in commercial software 9/94 virc1194.txt Viruses in commercial software 11/94 virc0395.txt Viruses in commercial software 03/95 virc1196.txt Viruses in commercial software 11/96 virc0197.txt Viruses in commercial software 01/97 virc0397.txt Viruses in commercial software 03/97 wazzu.txt Discussion of the Maddog/Wazzu virus scare 1/97 irina.txt Discussion of the Irina hoax ptindex.txt Product test index 3/95 sniffer.txt Article on sniffer attacks 9/94 britvir.txt British catch virus writers 7/94 dutch.txt Dutch hacker arrested 3/6/95