**************** Call for Participation ***************** 7th Annual Computer Security Incident Handling Workshop 1995 Karlsruhe, Germany September 18-22, 1995 The annual Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) workshop has been held for six consecutive years in various cities in the United States. In 1995, the conference will be held for the first time in Europe. The problems of computer security are a worldwide issue and have to be dealt with on an international basis. The majority of incidents happen in network environments that offer worldwide connectivity. This has led FIRST to the decision to organize the conference in Europe to enhance worldwide cooperation. Topics will include preventive measures, tools for incident handling, awareness building, and legal issues with specific emphasis on international issues. For more information, send e-mail to fischer@uni-karlsruhe.de or write: Rechenzentrum Uni Karlsruhe, Herr Fischer Zirkel 2, D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany PHONE: +49 721 376422 FAX: +49 721 32550 Conference information will also be available from U.S. based sites for viewing and download. Karlsruhe is situated in the very center of western Europe and can easily be reached by plane, train, and car. The University of Karlsruhe will host the conference, it is the oldest Technical University of Germany. The computer center was the first to establish a CERT in Germany and was the first German member of FIRST. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandy Sparks, CIAC Manager ssparks@llnl.gov 510.422.6856 Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808 510.422.8193 Livermore, CA 94551 510.423.8002 (FAX) ciac@llnl.gov **CERT-Tools Information:**************************************************** * Submissions : cert-tools@cert.org * * Address additions/deletions/changes : cert-tools-request@cert.org * * Moderator : tools@cert.org * *****************************************************************************