PREFACE ____________________________________________________________ The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed... -John Milton, Lycidas Copyright c 1993 O'Reilly and Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy this document for personal use only. This copyright notice must be retained in all copies. This book is about imake, a UNIX tool that helps you write portable programs. Most program development under UNIX is done with make, using a Makefile to direct the build and install processes. But Makefiles aren't portable, and it's often difficult to rewrite them by hand to accommodate machine dependencies for different systems. imake provides an alternative based on a simple idea: describe the dependencies for various systems in a set of configuration files and let imake generate the Makefile for you after selecting the dependencies appropri- ate for your machine. This frees you from writing and rewriting Makefiles by hand and helps you produce portable software that can be built and installed easily on any of the systems described in the configuration files. imake has been used successfully to configure software such as the X Window System, the Kerberos authentication system, and the Khoros software development environment. X in par- ticular is a large project that, despite its size and com- plexity, is remarkable in its portability. Much of this portability is due to the use of imake, which is thus argu- ably one of the reasons X has been so successful. Nevertheless, despite the fact that it's freely available and runs on a variety of systems, imake isn't as widely exploited as it could be. There are at least two reasons for this: + imake itself is a simple program, but the configuration files it uses sometimes are not. In particular, most people first encounter imake through the configuration files distributed with X. The X files are powerful and flexible, but they're also complicated and forbidding, and don't provide a very accessible entry point into the world of imake. + imake hasn't been well documented. Normally when you don't understand how to use a program, you turn to the documentation. But for imake there hasn't been much available, which compounds the difficulty of learning it. Consequently, imake remains a mystery, leaving potential - Copyright c 1993 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. - Preface 1 imake users in the predicament of Milton's sheep-seeking help in vain. I freely acknowledge that imake can be difficult to make sense of. But it doesn't need to be so, nor should you have to become an initiate into the Eleusinian mysteries to be granted an understanding of how imake works. Why Read This Handbook? The goal of this book is to show how imake can help you write portable software and to make it easier for you to use imake on a daily basis. Then you'll be able to see it as a tool to be used, not a stumbling block to trip over. If you don't know how to use imake at all, this book will teach you. If you already use imake, you'll learn how to use it more effectively. The book provides assistance on a number of levels, and you'll find it useful if you're in any of the situations below: + You wonder what imake is and how it works. + You couldn't care less what imake is or how it works. (As in, ``I just got this program off the net. What do I do with this Imakefile thing? I'm not interested in imake, I just want to get the program built!'') + You're curious about the relationship between an Imakefile and a Makefile. + You're faced with the task of using imake for the first time and are finding it less than obvious. + You're trying to use imake but you need help diagnosing problems that occur. For example: ``I just generated my Makefile, but make says it contains a syntax error; what do I do now?'' + You're tired of editing your Makefiles every time you move your programs from one machine to another. + You've inherited projects that were developed using imake and you need to understand how they're configured so you can maintain them. + You've been able to use imake to configure, build, and install the X Window System on your workstation using the instructions provided with the X source distribution, but it all seemed like magic. You want to better understand what goes on during that process. + You're planning to write X-based software. It's best to do this using an Imakefile (since X itself is imake- configured), and you'll be required to provide one anyway if you plan to submit your software to the X Consortium for inclusion in the X contrib distribution. + You admire the portability of X and want to achieve the same for your own software, but you've found it difficult to use imake without a copy of X nearby. You suspect - Copyright c 1993 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. - 2 Software Portability with imake (printed 10 August 1993) it's possible for imake to stand on its own, but you're not sure how. + You're looking for a general purpose tool for long-term software development and are considering using imake to that end. Scope of This Handbook This book is divided into three parts. Part I provides an overview of imake and how to use it, a basic description of the operation of configuration files, and how to write and troubleshoot Imakefiles. Part II describes how to write your own configuration files. Part III comprises appendices for your reference. Each chapter and appendix is described briefly below: use this information to navigate to those of most interest to you. Part I Chapter 1, Introduction, describes what imake is and what it does. It also discusses why make is inadequate for achiev- ing software portability. Read this to find out what prob- lems imake attempts to solve. Chapter 2, A Tour of imake, is an imake tutorial. In this chapter, I assume that you're not particularly interested in details about how imake works, you just want to know how to use it to do specific things: how to write a simple Imakefile to specify programs you want to build, how to gen- erate the Makefile from the Imakefile, etc. Instead of starting from ``first principles,'' you use imake to run through some basic exercises to get a feel for what it does and how to make it do what you want. Chapter 3, Understanding Configuration Files, describes the principles governing the design of configuration files that you need to know to understand their structure and content- what's in them and how they work together. You don't need to read this chapter if you're a casual imake user, but you should if you want to employ imake more effectively or if you plan on writing your own configuration files. This chapter is the point at which I begin to assume you want to understand imake's workings in more detail-not just what it does, but how and why. Chapter 4, The X11 Configuration Files, discusses the confi- guration files from the X Window System, relating them to the general principles described in Chapter 3 and pointing out some of their unique features. This isn't an X book, but the X11 configuration files are the most well known instance of the use of imake to date. As such, they provide a fertile source of examples and discussion. It would be unwise not to take advantage of the lessons they provide. - Copyright c 1993 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. - Preface 3 Chapter 5, Writing Imakefiles, describes how to write Imakefiles for programs configured with the X11 configura- tion files. This chapter provides simple examples that require little or no knowledge of the X11 files, as well as detailed discussion to increase your practical understanding of how the X11 files work. Chapter 6, Imakefile Troubleshooting, discusses things that can go wrong when you write Imakefiles and how to fix them. Part II Chapter 7, A Closer Look at Makefile Generation, examines the process by which imake builds Makefiles, including a discussion of how Makefile and Makefiles target entries work. Chapter 8, A Configuration Starter Project, shows how to convert the X11 configuration files into a starter project you can use as a jumping-off point for developing new pro- jects or new sets of configuration files. Chapter 9, Coordinating Sets of Configuration Files, discusses the problems that arise in a world populated by multiple sets of configuration files and how to solve the problems so you can manage those files easily. Chapter 10, Introduction to Configuration File Writing, shows by example how to write a set of configuration files. It describes in general the various ways you can modify the contents of configuration files. Chapter 11, Writing Rule Macros, continues the discussion begun in Chapter 10, focusing on the design and implementa- tion of imake rules. Chapter 12, Configuration Problems & Solutions, discusses several configuration problems and shows how to solve them using the principles and techniques described in Chapters 10 and 11. Chapter 13, Troubleshooting Configuration Files, discusses things that can go wrong when you write configuration files and how to fix them. It complements Chapter 6, Imakefile Troubleshooting. Chapter 14, Designing Extensible Configuration Files, discusses how to design configuration files to be shared easily among projects, while allowing individual projects to specify their own particular requirements by extending or overriding the information in the shared files. This exten- sible architecture reduces the need to write new configura- tion files for a project when existing files don't quite match a project's configuration requirements. Chapter 15, Creating Extensible Configuration Files, describes a procedure you can use to convert existing pro- ject specific configuration files to the extensible archi- tecture. - Copyright c 1993 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. - 4 Software Portability with imake (printed 10 August 1993) Chapter 16, Using Extensible Configuration Files, shows how to develop new projects that take advantage of the flexibil- ity afforded by the extensible architecture. Part III Appendix A, Obtaining Configuration Software, describes how to get the software described in this book. imake is owned and copyrighted by MIT but may be freely redistributed. So although imake isn't usually included as part of the software distributed with the UNIX operating system, anyone with FTP or GOPHER access on the Internet can get it. imake is also available by electronic mail. Appendix B, Installing Configuration Software, discusses how to build and install the software described in this book. Appendix C, Configuration Programs: A Quick Reference, docu- ments the software described in this book in ``abbreviated manpage'' format. Appendix D, Generating Makefiles: A Quick Reference, briefly describes how to build a Makefile from an Imakefile. Appendix E, Writing Imakefiles: A Quick Reference, briefly describes how to write an Imakefile. Appendix F, Writing Configuration Files: A Quick Reference, briefly describes how to write configuration files. Appendix G, Basics of make and cpp, provides brief overviews of make and cpp. Since imake produces Makefiles, you need to understand a little about make. You should also under- stand something about cpp, because imake uses cpp to do most of its work. Appendix H, A Little History, describes how imake came into being. Appendix I, Related Documents, lists some other useful sources of information. Conventions Used in This Book The following conventions are used in this book: Bold is used to emphasize new terms and concepts when they are introduced. Italic is used for options to commands, for file and directory names when they appear in the body of a paragraph, and for program and command names. Con- is used in examples to show the contents of files stant or the output from commands; and to indicate Width environment variables, rules, entries, and tar- gets. - Copyright c 1993 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. - Preface 5 Con- is used in examples to show commands or other text stant that should be typed literally by the user. For Bold example, rm foo means to type ``rm foo'' exactly as it appears in the text or example. Con- is used in code fragments and examples to show stant variables for which a context-specific substitu- Italic tion should be made. The variable filename, for example, would be replaced by some actual filename. Comments and Corrections If you have comments on this book or suggestions for improvement, or if you find errors, please feel free to con- tact me by sending electronic mail to Acknowledgments Many people contributed in various ways to this book; those listed here were especially helpful. Thanks are due to Todd Brunhoff, Jim Fulton, Bob Scheifler, and Stephen Gildea for their willingness to answer my myriad questions about imake and the X11 configuration files. Mary Kay Sherer waded through early drafts and refused to be nice to them. But faithful are the wounds of a friend; her criticisms helped weed out many incomprehensiblenesses. The staff of O'Reilly & Associates was a pleasure to work with. Adrian Nye provided editorial guidance and oversight and is really the one to whom Software Portability with imake owes its existence (the book was his idea; I just wrote it). Laura Parker Roerden copyedited what must have seemed an intractable thicket of words and managed final production with the indispensable help of Clairemarie Fisher O'Leary. Lenny Muellner fielded a constant stream of troff questions. Ellie Cutler wrote the index. Jennifer Niederst provided design support. Jeff Robbins produced the figures. And Edie Freedman designed the book and the cover with that marvelous snake. David Brooks, Gary Keim, David Lewis, Andy Oram, and Tom Sauer provided helpful review comments. Most of all I'd like to thank my wife Karen, who endured author's-widow tribulations with considerable grace and understanding. And patience: she listened while I rehearsed often and at length my thoughts about the topics in this book, even though she ``cared for none of those things.'' This was invaluable in helping me sort out what I was trying to write. Her contribution was significant, and greatly - Copyright c 1993 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. - 6 Software Portability with imake (printed 10 August 1993) appreciated. - Copyright c 1993 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. - Preface 7